Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Tourist Info on Rural America


  1. Hey, super nice job with the film. I didn't get so technical with mine, so I am definitely impressed there. You Ken Burns it up like a pro. I like how you first address the stereotypes and then knock them down with other patterns in rural America. Nice job...oh, and I really like the second look at the tourist ceremony photo.

  2. I really enjoyed watching your video. As a person who grew up in rural Minnesota, I think that you did a good job addressing real concerns that they are faced with. I grew up in a rural town called Detroit Lakes, Minnesota very close to the White Earth reservation. Visiting now, I see my town in a different way than what I did when I lived there. I see the poverty, I see the businesses that struggle to remain open, I see the senseless deaths of our youth due to drunk driving, etc. Your video highlighted this misfortune. Good job!
